Effects of EMF radiation on the growth of cress sprouts


 EMF Harmony conducted a test to provide a visual demonstration 

The negative effects of EMF radiation on the growth of cress sprouts, and how EMF Harmonizer+ minimized these negative effects. 

The test included sprouts grown next to a Wi-Fi router emitting measurable EMF radiation, and a control group of sprouts grown 8 feet away with no exposure to EMF radiation.

Below is a summary of the test:



Phase 1 – Two bowls of cress sprouts were grown in the same room over a 10 day period. Bowl A was next to a Wi-Fi router with no EMF protection that emitted electromagnetic radiation measurable on a Trifield EMF measurement meter. Bowl B was 8 feet away, with no detectable radiation near the bowl.



Phase 2 – The same two bowls were used to grow a new set of cress sprouts in the same environmental conditions in the 10 day period following Phase 1. In this phase, the Wi-Fi router next to Bowl A had an EMF Harmonizer+ device from EMF Harmony attached to it. Bowl B was still 8 feet away.



Results – In Phase 1 the cress sprouts in Bowl A next to the Wi-Fi router were noticeably less healthy and robust than those in Bowl B. In Phase 2, with the EMF Harmonizer+ attached to the Wi-Fi router, the health and robustness of the sprouts in both Bowl A and Bowl B showed no noticeable difference.



Conclusion The Harmonizer+ attached to the Wi-Fi router in Phase 2 mitigated the damaging properties of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Wi-Fi router. The sprouts grew as healthy and robust as those 8 feet away with no radiation in the vicinity.